Your Sourdough Starter is Not a Pet A sourdough starter doesn’t need daily care—let’s bust the biggest myth that holds people back from baking great bread
Learning & Teaching What my students can learn about placement reports from ‘Steve Jobs’ That’s Steve Jobs not Steve Jobs, and actually it’s about what they can learn for all evaluation and reflection, not just what they can learn about their placement reports. I’m currently working with students on drafts of a piece of personal evaluation and reflection based on industry placements the
events Hyperlocal, hegemony, and closure — notes from the What Next for Community Media? (#cj15) conference Yesterday (9th September 2015) I went over to Cardiff for a one day conference called What next for community media? Whether by accident or design, the event presented its answer straight off the bat: hyperlocal media — that’s what’s next for community media. And because of the day’s format, which w
acts of daily journalism The Contributoria Tapes: Burn your house to the ground: why you need to kill your darlings to maintain your independence. This piece was originally published on Contributoria — find out what that means and why it is posted here by reading this note. Article background This was the first of three* collaborative articles that I worked on for Contributoria under the pseudonym of Howard Wilkinson. And boy did we get in tro
acts of daily journalism The Contributoria Tapes: Tell your own story This piece was originally published on Contributoria — find out what that means and why it is posted here by reading this note. Article background My third pass through the Contributoria process was during the July pitch / August writing window, where the theme was “Independence”. Independent and al
acts of daily journalism The Contributoria Tapes: A great fresh tax for your local coffee making indy? This piece was originally published on Contributoria — find out what that means and why it is posted here by reading this note. Article background For my second Contributoria piece I ignored the editorial theme about the future because I don’t do futurology (though I might, in the future, you can’t
acts of daily journalism The Contributoria Tapes: Can you really live on ‘social capital’? This piece was originally published on Contributoria — find out what that means and why it is posted here by reading this note. Article background This was my first piece for Contributoria — a response to that month’s suggested editorial theme “The Future of Money”. It was a gentle troll, as quite a
The sudden but not unexpected death of Contributoria The journalism project Contributoria has announced that it has published its last issue this month. I wasn’t surprised to hear that the site would close, but the pace of the closure did catch me off guard. I’ve written for the site several times as I was interested in the mechanics of its crowdfundi