I heart Triage: Email First Aid

I’ve just got back to work after paternity leave and I blasted my inbox to zero this morning thanks partly to a nifty app for iPhone called Triage. The idea behind this app is that you can snack at your emails and nibble them down a bit between proper email sessions; GTD purists will hate what Triag

Photo on 21-05-2013 at 15.03

I’ve just got back to work after paternity leave and I blasted my inbox to zero this morning thanks partly to a nifty app for iPhone called Triage.

The idea behind this app is that you can snack at your emails and nibble them down a bit between proper email sessions; GTD purists will hate what Triage does but I’ve found it a nifty little booster. Whilst I was on leave I had plenty of time sat down with free moments and Triage allowed me to pop into email, read the headlines, bin stuff I wouldn’t need and then move on. It kept me on top of things and meant that today all I was left with was stuff that needed to be actioned. I like that.

I’ve also realised that this is what mobile phone email should be about: I shouldn’t be composing complicated messages on the phone, I should be sneaking a peak, completing small actions if they don’t take more than a few seconds and then deferring everything else to a more appropriate context. For me this is the email app that should have been built into iOS and so it’s now on my phone’s dock with mobile Mac Mail sent off into a folder hinterland.

It costs a few quid and it’s pretty as hell. Go get it.

Hat tip to Pete Ashton for the recommendation.