Simple "sign-up" pop-up for Ghost

This is a quick post to support something I am writing on the Ghost forum, as I needed a demo ๐Ÿ˜„

Folks often ask how to force a "sign up now" pop-up on their Ghost site.

This is a design choice, so it falls into themes and customisation rather than core, so there isn't a feature in Ghost to load popovers.

As you might expect for a design consideration, there are Ghost themes that include a popover. For those who don't have one in their theme, you can add a popover via code injection.

There are services that offer a side-loadable widget via a line of JS code. is mentioned around the Ghost forum a lot.

My preference is to use a few lines of JS to load the Ghost portal. It just seems the all-around lightest (on the pocket, on the page) option. This post on the forum gives a good solution:

I have implemented it on this page, and if you're not logged in as a member, you should have seen it by now.