Spymaster spoofing
I’m not really sure I care too much about Spymaster either way. I know a lot of people are enjoying it and others are really angry about it. Probably the closer you are to an early majority or later adopter of Twitter the more likely you are to like it. Anyway, I half signed up… Continue reading Spy
I’m not really sure I care too much about Spymaster either way. I know a lot of people are enjoying it and others are really angry about it. Probably the closer you are to an early majority or later adopter of Twitter the more likely you are to like it.
Anyway, I half signed up for the service, and bottled it when I realised it wanted to send Tweets like “I’ve just bought an AK-47” on my behalf (as a lot of my Tweets are related to my work at BCU, I have to be a little bit careful, and some people who stumble upon me might not get the basis of these claims).
As a result of being on the beta list, I keep getting odd @ replies that my Twitter buddies have tried to kill me. So as a bit of fun I’ve decided to start tweeting random spoofs at them and sending them to this page.
Feel free to use this page in your own spymaster spoofs