birmingham Who does the most social media? Some data. Maybe. I keep hearing how great Birmingham is at blogging and social media. That’s a subjective thing and anyone can say it but I also keep hearing people saying or suggesting we do it the best, we do it the most, and that we’re at the centre of it. That’s a bit more problematic and I… Continue reading Who
Just in case an “online interactive website” is difficult for you Michael Grimes retweeted a link to the North Wales Pioneer today, who are reporting on social media policies at Conwy Council. The way the article discusses blogging (or “internet blogging” as they would say) suggests the newspaper or its readers are not all that comfortable with the Internet. Perha
bsmc Thank you for coming to #bsmc Movie Watch on Posterous BCU sponsored the social media café so it fell to me and Paul Bradshaw to say thank you. SHARE THIS: * Share * * Twitter [] * Email [
twitter How I use Twitter Firstly, credit where credit’s due, I have based this on Michael Grimes’s Twitter Following Policy (I have lifted a lot of it, I’m sure Mike won’t mind: he’s a lovely man, please read his blog). How I use Twitter I follow a lot of people, possibly too many. I’ve developed my own ways of making… Cont
free The meek shall inherit the earth? Well, as Monty Python pointed out, the meek have had a hell of a time*. I had a thought last night about newspaper pay walls. It’s a very lazy thought, and I’m jumping to conclusions (hence why this is on my personal blog and not or
Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth Hyperlinks to chapters from Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth The content is free, but some people were having problems getting the page to load yesterday Foreword Mizuko Ito, Cathy Davidson, Henry Jenkins, Carol Lee, Michael Eisenberg, Joanne Weiss Civic Life Online:
arts Empty shops into art galleries, Erdington This summer my local community arts group have taken over a disused supermarket to create a gallery and workshop space. I’ve heard a lot about pop-up exhibitions, and indeed there have been some Birmingham folk talking about doing some on Twitter. I get the impression that these tend to be fairly hi
Talking of bleak and Torchwood… This is from my friend Toby, over on Facebook, in response to my tweet / status update on how bleak Torchwood was: What was bleak about Touchwood ? We can only dream of a Britain where corrupt evil government officials almost literally do the honourable thing and fall on their swords….rather than th
Spymaster spoofing I’m not really sure I care too much about Spymaster either way. I know a lot of people are enjoying it and others are really angry about it. Probably the closer you are to an early majority or later adopter of Twitter the more likely you are to like it. Anyway, I half signed up… Continue reading Spy
Lending a hand or cutting costs? From time to time I do some business with Birmingham City Council. Today they sent me a cheery letter: “Following the introduction of Birmingham City Council’s new procurement and payments system in October 2007 we bring you some news about developments that may be welcome to you in the present econ
Digest of my Twitter contacts’ budget summaries siwhitehouse@jonhickman We’ve bought the handcart, now in which direction does it need pushing?about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to jonhickman rtunstall@jonhickman In: New cars, environment, innovation, savings Out: high-earners, booze, petrol, fags, growth, public sector, recovery, Lab
#masocialmedia I need to crowdsource a reply to this email: Wow, just got this email: ——————– In these times of redundancy especially in your part of the country you should be ashamed. How about getting a grant to see how some of Brums manufacturing industry can actually weather this storm. Talk about “History Man” this is why academia gets such a bad name.
networking Some thoughts on good meetings I love the fact that “good meeting” is an emergent meme on Twitter: the phrase is seen by a lot of people on Twitter as an empty platitude, the twitter equivalent of saying “er”. We can see it as an example of one of the ways we just keep the conversation going. Perhaps we could even go… Continue re
twitter Brum TwitPic Chain (#brumchain) This game is based on Flickr Chains (e.g. a chain of photos linked by themes (and probably memes knowing you lot). To keep it simple, let’s try a chain where we nominate the next person in the chain. How to play If you receive an @ message on Twitter t
cluedo How to NOT play @cluedo It’s not the first time in my life I’ve been accused of breaking twitter, but I was a little surprised when @dubber told me I’d done it again. The nice thing about twitter is that even when being curmudgeonly, people in the community can be helpful. Dubber
cluedo How to play @cluedo 🙋Note from Feb '25: I had forgotten we did this. I'm not sure how many games we got before someone took the keys and did nothing. It would be fun to work out who killed the game. It would be interesting to try it again on Blueksky
food Done my Christmas baking, four weeks late 🙋Edit, Feb 2025: the last few years I've seen something like these in the shops which is pretty cool. I actually didn't get around to making these the past few years but they will always take me back to my childhood Christmas memories. Mum hasn'
bcu a three hour walking tour of Brum, thinking about art, design and creativity in the city I took two groups of our BA students around Birmingham this week. Our mission: to find where the creative industries hang out, and to think about how design lives and breathes in the real world. We spent three hours and covered a lot of ground. Unfortunately we didn’t get
food Jon’s 5-bean chilli 💡Update, Feb 2025: obviously I didn't realise in 2008 that I needed to start this post with a 3,000 autobiographical essay. No wonder I never got a blog to book publishing deal, eh? Since I wrote this I became a vegetarian. My go to chilli these days
10 rules of broadband ⚠️Not being aware of these rules means that a 5 minute job will take you 7 hours. 1. When offering to help family members set up broadband, don’t assume that the previous owner of their new house had a normal telephone set up. 2. Consider the fact that they
What my mate Gary did on his holiday: created a media storm by photographing his own children in a park Met up with my mate Gary the other day and he told me he’s had an eventful summer. He’s been on TV, and in the national press, plus around the world on the interwebs for taking this picture of his own kids: He used a zoom lens so
I think this kind of sums up what we do in the treehouse all day 🙋Explainer: 'The Treehouse' was a nickname given to the BCU School of Media research office, which was starting to get established in 2008, and hired me as a temp in June 2008. I didn't leave for a decade. (Feb 2025) Found this completely randomly (here: http: